Supporting Mental Wellbeing with Analytics and Behaviour Change

AIA Insights Report
July 2020

Exploring the potential of preventive measures to transform Australia’s mental health landscape

At AIA, we believe that we have a social responsibility, as underpinned by our shared-value approach, to help Australians improve their overall wellbeing – including their mental health.
In 2018, one in five people in Australia were impacted by mental health conditions. Almost four million Australians suffer from a chronic or episodic mental health condition every year. Depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders are the most common mental health conditions.
This white paper presents new research that identifies unique insights into predicting depression risk using data analytics and technology. It also highlights both the interplay between individual behaviours and mental wellbeing and the potential of evidence-based innovative solutions, such as AIA Vitality, to help educate, support, and incentivise behaviour changes that might help people be more aware of, and improve, their mental wellbeing.