Rehabilitation success story – Meet Sally!

26 February 2024 dot 2 mins read
Rehabilitation services can play a crucial role in aiding claimants who have faced injuries or illnesses by assisting them to improve their physical, psychological, social and vocational capacity. 
Where possible, rehabilitation can help claimants return to wellness. When appropriately executed, rehabilitation can help individuals return to wellness as quickly and as safely as possible.
Meet Sally!
Sally was working in the Health Industry when she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2022. Following treatment, Sally was referred through to the Rehabilitation Team in mid-2023 to discuss support available to her to manage her function, work readiness and support her in her goal of returning to work. Sally advised that she experienced treatment related fatigue and brain fog which impacted her ability to complete activities of daily living, hobbies, as well as consider a return to work.
Sally was referred for a Cancer Recovery Work Readiness Program which supported her with providing education and developing targeted strategies to manage both her fatigue and cognition and improve her well-being and work readiness.  At the culmination of the 3-month program Sally reported improvements in her fatigue symptoms, as well as her confidence in being able to achieve her personal and vocational goals following her diagnosis.
Sally then commenced a return to work with her employer, and stated she felt well equipped to manage her function and introduction back into the workplace.

Sally advised:
“it (the program) definitely gave me more insight into fatigue. The structure helped me take a pro-active approach to managing my symptoms and planning my activities. Overall, I am much better than I was”.
*The name in this story have been changed for privacy purposes.